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There is an old saying, “Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.” Many people do their best to live with this wisdom. It is this sound teaching that helps us to succeed in life. Yet, this shouldn’t end with our physical lives, but we must incorporate this concept in our spiritual lives as well.

The example of giving our very best to God is played out throughout the Bible. A prime example are the Hebrews as they were trying to enter the promised land. In Numbers chapter 32 we see God’s people at the very doorstep of everything they have been searching for, the land of milk and honey.

As they were about to enter the tribe of the Gadites and Reubenites they went to Moses and asked if these two tribes could stay in the region just outside of Canaan. They had good reasons of course. This land was great for raising animals and that is what they did for a living.

Moses was not pleased with the idea of these two tribes stopping right at the doorstep of all they had been looking for. Moses reminded them of their fathers before them who had sent spies into the land proving how good it was, but when the report came of giants, the people chose not to enter into that which God had promised. Numbers 32:10-11 says, “So the Lord’s anger burned in that day, and He swore, saying, 11 ‘None of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob; for they did not follow Me fully.

Here are people who had come so far and been a part of some wonderful miracles in their lives, but when it came to that last step they chose not to believe or trust that God could deliver. They followed, but they did not follow fully, or completely. Sadly, this is the testimony of many Christians. We will follow up to a certain point, but when it comes to that last step of fully following many times we will back down and stop. When this happens we never get to experience the full measure of God’s blessing and, even worse, we disappoint our Lord.

Where is it the Lord wants to take you, wanting to do in you? I do not doubt that you want to experience everything the Lord wants in your life. Sometimes He takes us through some very difficult situations and takes us to the very precipice of blessing, to enter that promised land of spiritual Canaan. I challenge you not to stop and settle for what is safe, to stop halfway, but to march into that land of promise and experience all that God has for you.

The call is to keep on marching, keep on churning, and don’t settle for halfway, but fully experience all God has for you.