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The world we live in has so many voices. They all call out to us beckoning to us. Many of these voices speak lies and desire to take us down a harmful path that leads to destruction. Even in the Christian walk, we must be careful who and what we listen to.

Some organizations call themselves Christian, but are they really? How would we know? Jesus gives us a practical way in John 7:17-18, “If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. 18 He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” 

The Lord speaks this because, like today, many were unsure what to believe. Was Jesus the Messiah, just some prophet, or a charlatan? We know that Jesus was and is the Christ, but we still must be aware of those who would teach falsely about Him. Our first line of defense is reading and comprehending God’s word.  When we know the truth, the lie will be ever-glaring. We should be able to hear a false teaching and immediately realize that and call it out for such. 

The other way is what Jesus taught us in the practical. Does what this person is saying bring honor to God or themselves? Who is going to receive glory from what is said? We may even ask, who is getting wealthy from what is being said and taught? 

As we listen to teachers on television or the radio, we must always be prepared to interpret the truth from the false. 

This also is beneficial as we are witnessing to people. Many people have no idea what they believe. Their decision-making process is based on feelings more so than truth. We must be prepared to come alongside those struggling to help them think through their feelings and come to the truth. Being a follower of Jesus does not mean we have to throw out reasoning and intellect. It’s quite the opposite. We can intellectually dig out facts and historical evidence that prove who Jesus is. Yes, it still takes faith, but it is not a blind faith. It is a faith that comes from allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and open our minds to who Jesus is.

We must also be disciplined in the spiritual life, or we too could fall victim to the false. Be safe, study, and always hold on to the truth.