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Years ago, Johnson & Johnson created a slogan for their baby shampoo that said, “No More Tears.” This claim was that this baby shampoo and soap was able to clean but was also so mild that if it accidentally got in the eyes of your young child, it wouldn’t burn and cause tears. As a parent, this is a huge selling point because no parent wants to see their child in pain nor see them in tears.

Now, as earthly parents, or good earthly parents, none of us want to see our child in pain and it doesn’t matter the age. We will go to great lengths to protect them. If that is the case for earthly parents, how much so is that true for our heavenly Father? Now, even though we know this to be true, we still go through pain on this earth and many of us ask the question, why?  Though that answer is not always easy to come by, we do know that our Heavenly Father loves us, and He truly does want us to have blessed lives.

Psalm 128 verse 1 says, “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His way.” So, we know the Lord wants us to be blessed, but much of that blessing depends on our faithfulness to our Lord. But, even at the end of our lives we will come to a God that loves us so much we read these words in Revelation 21:4, “and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” What a beautiful promise that is laid before those who belong to Christ.

This text speaks of a day when there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and we will dwell with our God forever and ever. In this eternal existence, we are told that there will no longer be any death, pain, or mourning. What caught my attention was this Johnson and Johnson moment when there will no longer be any tears because they will all be wiped from our eyes.

What a day that will be! Everyone who is watching or reading this blog has shed many tears and sadly will shed many more, but we hold on to this hope and truth that one day broken hearts and pain will no longer be found in our lives.  All of this is possible because our God chose to come and rescue us from sin, essentially, from ourselves. When He died He came also with a promise of eternal life of no more tears.

I don’t know about you, but I look forward to this day and I hope to see you all there.