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As a follower of Jesus, we all probably have hearts to give. We listen to missionaries speak of needs and we give. We hear of people who have been devastated by hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes and we give. On Sunday mornings we watch as the plate is passed and even give to the financial needs of our church. These are great things and we should do them. But there are things out there that money cannot fix, or maybe they are too big for our little bit of pocket change to impact.

We see this in the book of Acts chapter 3. Peter and John are on their way to the temple for their time of prayer when they come upon a man who has been lame since birth. All he could do was hope someone would carry him to the beautiful gate so that he could beg and hopefully get enough money for food and bills.

This man sees Peter and John and asks them for alms. There is nothing out of the unusual at this point, but then Peter and John gazed upon him. This poor, lame man was expecting a little change to be put into his plate. Imagine his surprise when Peter tells him that they don’t have any money.  This is not exactly what this man was expecting to hear.

What Peter does next is greater than giving a little bit of money. In verses 6-7 of Acts chapter 3, “But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—walk!” 7 And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened.” Oh sure, giving money is a nice thing to do, but what Peter and John had to offer is worth so much more.

Many times, we as followers of Christ are more than willing to give money to help a cause. But money is not the cure for the real needs of mankind. You see, this lame man wanted a temporary fix to a permanent situation. God can always deliver a permanent fix to a permanent problem. The permanent problem in our world is sin. Sin is destroying people’s lives, physically and more importantly, spiritually. Money is not the solution to this permanent problem. Even if we had all the money in the world all we would be able to muster is a temporary fix, maybe.

We do not have the money to fix the ills of humanity, but what we do have we must be passionate in giving and what we have is hope. This hope comes in the form of salvation through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Peter and John looked past the need for money and saw this lame man's real need. We must look past the temporary needs of people and see the eternal need. We must be willing to give what people really need, and that need is Jesus, to be saved, to be free, and to have life abundant.

So, don’t feel bad if you don’t have money to give, but what you do have…give. Give the hurt and broken Jesus. Besides, there is nothing greater to give.