In the classic movie “The Outlaw Josey Wales” Clint Eastwood’s character runs into a native American who was reminiscing about his time in Washington D.C. and wearing hats like Abraham Lincoln were encouraged by a politician to “endeavor to persevere”. This would have been easy for a politician who has all the luxuries of life, but not so much for this old Indian who had lost everything and was tasked to persevere, to endure.
As we read the Word of God, we as followers of Christ are not promised a rose garden in this life. Jesus said if the world hated Him, it would hate us. May I be as bold to say that as Christians we should expect difficult days. I just watched a news report that in Nigeria alone from October 2019 to September of 2023 16,769 Christians have been murdered and martyred for their faith in Jesus.
I would love to be able to tell you that things will get better, but the Bible tells us that just isn’t so. In my devotions, I am in the book of Revelation and as we get into chapter 14, we read of the judgment that will occur not only on the anti-Christ, but upon all who forfeit their souls to him. Amidst all that, there will be Jesus followers just trying to survive. That takes me to verse 12, “Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.” Their perseverance comes from not taking the mark of the beast and not worshipping all the false gods that will be present. This is a call to stay faithful to Jesus through all the horrific events that will transpire on the earth.
We may not be living during the tribulation, but that doesn’t mean that being a true follower of Jesus makes us immune to great stress and difficulties. Sadly, we are even attacked by other so-called Christians who think they are so much more spiritual that they must judge and fix the hearts and minds of other believers.
Between all the world and the enemy throw at us we are called to endure. We endure by staying in the word, having strong prayer lives, being amongst other believers, and staying faithful to our Savior. We can endure because Jesus said He would never leave, nor forsake us. We can endure because we have the Spirit of the Living God in us. We can endure because we are children of God.
So, stay the course, fight the good fight, and endure.