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Sadly, we live in a world that is full of judgment. Some are judged for breaking man’s law. This is as it should be. Then of course there are the judgments that are based upon others’ opinions.

Growing up you may have been judged because of the clothes that you wore, or the friends that you hung out with. We as humans have a horrible habit of being judgmental. We like to judge others and compare ourselves to them. We do this many times to feel better about ourselves. Even today we still judge based on people’s family, where they live, the clothes they wear, and even a person’s political preference.

Knowing that we are going to be judged, I would ask, what do I want to be judged for? Many of the things people are judged by are preferences or things they have no control over. Many of our preferences aren’t that important and those things can and usually change as we change, but what are those non-negotiables that no matter what people say we will not change our minds, and we are okay with being judged for?

The early Christians were hammered by those around them for their non-negotiables. The Apostle Paul found himself on trial many times and was judged because he was unwilling to bend his beliefs. In Acts 24 one of those beliefs that Paul was unwilling to bend on was about the resurrection of the dead. V. 14-15, “But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets; 15 having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.”

Now it is interesting that those who were complaining about Paul believed in the foundational things that Paul was teaching. They believed in the resurrection of the dead, but what they did not like was that Paul was teaching that resurrection to eternal life was through Jesus Christ. Paul did this so that as he states in verse 16, he would have a clear conscience toward God and men.

I go back to the fact that all of us will be judged for something. Let us be judged for something that really matters and that has eternal ramifications. Let us, like Paul, be judged for standing on the truth of God’s word and promises. Maybe, just maybe someone will come to know Jesus because of our willingness to stand before the jury of public opinion and not waiver.