As you drive around town have you noticed all the “help wanted” signs? You may have heard murmurs that people just don’t want to work anymore. They are used to being given what they need and want. This then brings up the question, are people becoming lazier? Have we gotten to the point where we do not find value in hard work and what it can produce?
Jesus gave a challenge to His disciples in the book of Matthew. When Jesus called Matthew in chapter 9 he was a hated tax collector. Jesus gathered with Matthew and with his associates as well. The Pharisees made a point of Jesus hanging with sinners and tax collectors. Jesus replied that it was not those who were well that needed a physician but those who were sick.
Later in chapter 9, the Bible tells us that Jesus looked around and saw people as sheep without a shepherd. They were helpless and harassed and it was then Jesus made this proclamation in verses 37-38, “Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” This statement was not only a challenge but also a commission to His disciples. We need to see people, especially lost people as Jesus sees them, as sheep, hurting and harassed by the devil. The call from Jesus is for workers to be sent out, but we also see in verse 13 of the same chapter that Jesus says He desires mercy and not sacrifice. This comes down to one simple truth, laborers will not get out into the fields if they have no compassion and mercy on the hurt and broken.
Could that be the reason many churches have to beg for workers to be in the field that we have lost our mercy and compassion? Have we gotten to the point that we do not see people as Jesus sees them? Have we gotten to be self-centric instead of people-centric? Have we gotten so self-absorbed that we do not have the time or energy for others?
Let us look into God’s word and be reminded of who we were at one time. Let us be thankful that someone took the time to tell us about Jesus, to teach Sunday School, to volunteer in Vacation Bible School, and to see us as someone in need of a Savior. I pray that you will join me as we roll up our sleeves and get busy in the fields, for the harvest is truly plentiful. Where are the workers?