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I like to think back to when I was a kid and the imagination that my friends and I had to play cops and robbers. Of course, we would always be the good guys. “Starsky and Hutch” were our role models and we would devour every episode we could watch and then play them out in the yard. Our little brothers would have to be the bad guys and we would swing them around, get them on the ground, and put pretend handcuffs on them. We were always the good guys, the warriors who fought for what was right.

As I have grown older shows like “Seal Team” and historic events weigh on my mind. People like those who fought in Benghazi and the heroes of the Revolutionary War and all the wars that followed challenged my idea of bravery and the ability to fight for what one believes in. How would I fare in those days? Would I be the one who would lead the charge, or would I be the one to throw down my weapon and run for the hills? I like to hope the first. How about you? Have you ever been faced with what true bravery is? What does bravery look like in the spiritual world? In my devotions today I was challenged with this thought from I Corinthians 16:13, “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”

 This cried out to me. If there was ever a day for men to be brave and stand in their faith it is now. I am not excluding

any ladies. We know that you are tougher than most guys anyway. I am asking where the warriors for Christ are and what that looks like in today’s world. We are first challenged with being alert. We must know what is happening around us and we cannot fall asleep at our post. We must constantly be aware of what the enemy is up to and be ready to jump into action. Second, we must stand firm. There is no room in the army of Christ for those who are not willing to make a stand for Jesus and the faith. I love the quote of the commanding officer who was told that the enemy surrounded him and his men. His response was “Good, now we have them exactly where we want them.”

The truth is that this world is not going to get any better

. We are heading into the last days and the battle for the souls of people is raging all around us. We must be strong, we must be alert, and we must stand firm. Onward Christian soldier, raise the banner high. Our King will be returning soon. Let Him find us neck deep in the battle and find warriors fighting the good fight for His glory.